Break up of red blood cell aggregates in model 3-D microfluidic channels as well as physiologically shaped channels
The goal of this research project is to understand the break up of red blood cell aggregates in model 3-D microfluidic channels as well as physiologically shaped channels, systematically varying the interaction strength between the red blood cells and the complexity of flow geometries. The candidate will perform (confocal) microscopy experiments under flow conditions and quantitatively analyse the resulting images, and will be involved in the construction of biomimetic channel structures using laser-etching techniques, and in the imaging of the micro-vascular structure of the brain and its biomimetic reconstruction.
We are seeking for an experimentalist with a background in physics or chemical engineering, preferentially with an interest in biological and soft-matter systems. Experience in microscopy, imaging, and programming skills in Python are an advantage.
He/she will mainly work in the department ICS-3 (“Soft Condensed Matter”), with extended stays in the departments ZEA-1 (“Engineering and Technology“) and the INM-1 (“Structural and Functional Organisation of the Brain”) at the Research Center Jülich in Germany. The doctoral degree will be issued at the physics department of the university KU Leuven in Belgium.
Prof. Dr. M. P. Lettinga
Address 1 Forschungszentrum Jülich
Institute of Complex Systems (ICS-3)
52425 Jülich, Germany
Phone: +49 2461 61-4515
Address 2 KU Leuven
Department of physics and astronomy, Laboratory for Soft Matter and Biophysics
Celestijnenlaan 200d - bus 2416?
3001 Heverlee,? Belgium
Phone: +32 16 32 71 43
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