Interfacial rheometry platform (ETHZ)
We have a unique suite of setups for interfacial rheometry:
1. interfacial shear rheometry
- magnetic needle rheometer with a Langmuir through (Sven Reynaert, Carlton F. Brooks, Paula Moldenaers, Jan Vermant and Gerald G. Fuller. "Analysis of the magnetic rod interfacial stress rheometer." Journal of Rheology 52 (2008), 261-285.)
- Double wall ring setups, either with adsorption cells, Langmuir throughs and subphase exchange cells (see Vandebril, Steven, et al. "A double wall-ring geometry for interfacial shear rheometry." Rheologica Acta49.2 (2010): 131-144. and Schroyen, Bram, Deniz Zeynel Gunes, and Jan Vermant. "A versatile subphase exchange cell for interfacial shear rheology." Rheologica acta56.1 (2017): 1-10 and Hermans, E., & Vermant, J. (2014). Interfacial shear rheology of DPPC under physiologically relevant conditions. Soft Matter, 10(1), 175-186.)
- Microrheology and magnetic tweezers ( Samaniuk, J. R., & Vermant, J. (2014). Micro and macrorheology at fluid–fluid interfaces. Soft matter, 10(36), 7023-7033.)
- subphase correction software for solving hydrodynamic coupling of sub and interphases
2. Interfacial dilational equipment
- - Langmuir Throughs (ribbon/barrier/LL and LA)
- - pendant drop instrument (home built) + software for elastometry (Nagel, Mathias, Theo A. Tervoort, and Jan Vermant. "From drop-shape analysis to stress-fitting elastometry." Advances in colloid and interface science247 (2017): 33-51.)
- - microtensiometer
- - radial through Pepicelli, Martina, et al. "Characterization and modelling of Langmuir interfaces with finite elasticity." Soft matter13.35 (2017): 5977-5990.
3. Thin film balance for dynamic studies
see : Beltramo, P. J., Van Hooghten, R., & Vermant, J. (2016). Millimeter-area, free standing, phospholipid bilayers. Soft matter, 12(19), 4324-4331.
4. microfluidic setups for interfacial dynamics
Cells for studying Ostwald ripening and coalescence
see: Beltramo, P. J., Gupta, M., Alicke, A., Liascukiene, I., Gunes, D. Z., Baroud, C. N., & Vermant, J. (2017). Arresting dissolution by interfacial rheology design. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(39), 10373-10378.
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