NMR Spectroscopy and Imaging Laboratory (AMU)



The NMR facility is specialized in probing dynamics with various NMR spectrometers and NMR imaging. The imaging facilities are used to study living organisms and entire animals, as well as inhomogeneous soft-matter systems, such as flow profiles of shear-banded systems. The following NMR set ups are offered to access, including a broad range of sample environments and conditions: For studying molecular dynamics and structure of functional nanomaterials, we offer a NMR 400 MHz (Agilent) spectrometer for solids and routine studies of liquids, a NMR spectrometer 600 MHz (Agilent) for diffusion measurements and micro-imaging with extremely high resolution, a NMR spectrometer 800 MHz (Agilent) for determining the structure of biochemical samples, and a Fast Field Cycling NMR relaxometer for slow molecular dynamics. The Imaging part of this laboratory is also equipped with a Magnetic Resonance Imager 400 MHz (Agilent) for investigations of small animals.


Besides the NMR facility, a number of laboratories of the NanoBioMedical Center will be accessible to users for sample preparation and further characterization. The users are offered access to microscopy labs (including optical and electron (SEM, TEM) and near field (AFM) microscopes), as well as the X-Ray diffraction facility, in addition to the NMR infrastructure described above, in order to correlate dynamics with structure and morphology. Samples can be prepared in one of the existing labs (Chemistry, Biology, Medical), including access to a clean room. Local staff will assist the users in the exploitation of these additionally offered techniques. Assistance by the local staff is offered to users concerned with sample preparation, data evaluation and interpretation.



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