Dispersions of Charged Particles (DCP), including electrolytes, charge-stabilized colloids, and macromolecular solutions, are paramount for many areas of science and technology.
On May 1, 2023, it will be 100 years since the publication of the first theoretical work about non-ideality effects in the thermodynamic properties of electrolyte solutions [Zur theorie der Elektrolyte, P. Debye and E. Hueckel, 1923.]
The Faculty of Physics at the University of Veracruz (Mexico) is organizing the international meeting
“Dispersions of particles: A century of theoretical development”
to gather a group of renowned researchers that will share and discuss their works and perspectives on the study of DCP.
The event is dedicated to honoring the scientific careers of Professors Gerhard Naegele and Jan K.G. Dhont, considering their support to advancing The Mexican Soft Matter Science Community. This event is also part of a series occurring this winter-spring season that celebrates 40 Years of German – Mexican Partnership in Soft Condensed Matter.
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